Proxy server products whose main focus is filtering features that prevent unauthorized viewing of unapproved Internet content.
Such products usually disallow access to material which the administrator or organization considers to be either offensive or unrelated to the task for which Web access is provided to individuals.
A common use for such tools occurs in preventing children and young people from viewing websites containing violent or pornographic material. However, most filters can be used to block a variety of access based on the criteria set by the administrator.
Subcategories 8
Related categories 2
Sites 15
Application-Specific Proxy Servers as HTTP Stream Transducers
Paper from W3C discussing research on an application specific Web proxy.
Browsing and system management tool, limits user access to websites, protocols, hardware and applications. Limits access based on user, group, time. Remote management capability.
Configuring Your Mac to Work With Filter Proxy Settings
Instructions and links to relevant tools.
An HTML-rewriting proxy with Web-forms based configuration and modules for XSLT, GIF deanimation, and compression. [Perl]
GFI Software
Keyword-based content filtering and virus scanning for Microsoft ISA Server.
Open-source cross-platform filtering Web proxy server written in Java. It has a public API to create additional filters.
Mutating Web proxy (RabbIT)
A Java application which will cache, compress images and remove unwanted content in order to speed up the browsing process.
Norton Internet Security
Firewall, anti-malware, anti-spam and phishing protection software which includes parental control add-on for filtering unsuitable websites. [Windows]
A web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, modifying web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other Internet junk. Based on Internet Junkbuster.
Proxomitron, The
General proxy with text-matching rules for transforming and filtering pages and HTTP headers. Includes filters for animated GIFs, pop-up windows, ad banners, and dynamic HTML.
A combined filter, redirector and access controller plugin for Squid.
Using a Hosts File To Make The Internet Not Suck (as much)
Basic introduction to hosts file usage.
Extension to Cern's httpd web server to filter out annoying parts of web pages.
Internet access management system allows an organization to monitor, report and manage internal Internet use.
X-Stop Internet Access Management Solutions
X-Stop allows homes and schools to provide safe Internet access and corporations to manage their employee's Internet usage. It facilitates an organization's goal of maintaining employee and network productivity while reducing the risk of legal liability.
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Last update:
June 6, 2016 at 12:48:09 UTC