Glossary of SCSI terminologies, online information, white papers, articles by experts in the field of SCSI, technical advice pertaining to SCSI, any information which would enhance a users understanding of SCSI.
Sites 7
Chip Directory
SCSI-1 Connector pin assignments.
Computer-related tutorials written by a real-life user, based on first-hand experience with SCSI.
SCSI CD-RW Drives Roundup
Devoted to the CD-RW drives with SCSI interface, showing the potential, highlights and downsides of the SCSI-interface.
SCSI Glossary
A glossary of SCSI terminology, updated frequently as proposed new standards become operational.
SCSI vs. IDE Bus Mastering for DAWs
By D. Glen Cardenas and Jose M. Catena for Digital Pro Sound.
Surviving SCSI Hell
The musicians guide to understanding SCSI. How to connect a computer to a digital sampler using SCSI, a primer from Rich the TweakMeister.
What Kind of SCSI Do I Have?
Is it 8-bit (narrow) or 16-bit (wide), and is it single-ended or differential? Article detailing how to determine what type of SCSI port the host has.
Last update:
March 19, 2016 at 5:55:14 UTC