Associations and directories primarily focused on one or more of the key areas of sustainable, socially responsible, or ethical investing.
Sites 10
Not for profit, membership association dedicated to promoting corporate responsibility and sustainable investment practice in the Asia Pacific region.
Ethical Performance: CSR and SRI Jobs
Directory of career and job opportunities in the fields of corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment. Global
European Social Investment Forum
Pan-European stakeholder network encourages and develops sustainable and responsible investment and better corporate governance. Members of include pension funds, financial service providers, academic institutes, research associations and other NGO's. Europe
Finance for a Sustainable Recovery
This is UKSIF’s blog on creating a robust financial framework for sustainable and responsible financial services. It covers laws, regulation, fiscal measures, voluntary standards, skill requirements and cultural norms.
International Association of Investors in the Social Economy
Network of financial institutions working for positive social and environmental change. Membership list, publications, programme listings. Europe-based, global scope.
Just Pensions
Toolkit for UK pension fund trustees and fund managers enabling responsible investment strategies. A programme of the UK Social Investment Forum.
Responsible Investment Association
Trade association of the Canadian social investment industry and community. Related news, research, and user-friendly member directory.
Social Investment Forum
Trade association presents related news, research, and member directory.
UK Social Investment Forum
Member association of the United Kingdom social, ethical, and green investment industry and community. Related library, activities, news, and member directory.
United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative, Principles for Responsible Investment
Aims to help integrate consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues by institutional investors into investment decision-making and ownership practices, and thereby improve long-term returns to beneficiaries.
Last update:
February 2, 2015 at 0:02:32 UTC