Banking Associations and Bankers' Associations are professional associations of banks and bankers that address their common interests. In some jurisdictions activity is primarily lobbying, in others it involves drafting common standards for the retail or wholesale markets.
Subcategories 2
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Sites 80
With the fixings of Eonia, Euribor, EuroRepo, and Eonia swaps.
Abacus - Australian Mutuals
List of societies, and a brief history of Australian building societies since 1770.
ACI - The Financial Markets Association
Paris-based trade association for the international foreign exchange markets.
Americas - ASBA
Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (Asociacion de Supervisores Bancarios de las Americas), supporting improved banking regulation and supervision practices in the Americas through training and cooperation.
ASEAN Bankers Association
Bringing together the national banking associations of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
Promotes the loan markets of the Asia-Pacific region by standardisation of documentation, promotion of prudent banking practices, educational and social functions for syndicated loan professionals, and liaising between major players and regional regulators.
Australian Bankers' Association
About the ABA, member banks, information for consumers, education tools and links.
Australian Financial Markets Association
Representing participants in Australia's wholesale financial markets, and publishers of the AFMA BBSW (Bank Bill SWap reference rate).
Austrian Bankers' Association
Verband Österreichischer Banken und Bankiers. About the VOeBB, its board, and a list of member banks.
Bahrain - Bankers' Society of Bahrain
Representing the interests of licensed financial institutions in Bahrain.
Bank Administration Institute
Industry provider of information, education and training.
Banking & Payments Federation Ireland
BPFI structure and members, banking statistics, holiday lists and information about Irish banking and the euro.
Canada - Registered Deposit Brokers Association
The professional standards self-regulatory organization for deposit products.
Canadian Bankers Association
Members, information for consumers and small businesses, and banking statistics.
Cayman Islands Compliance Association
Provides information on the laws, regulations and industry practice of Compliance in the Cayman Islands to detect, prevent and report money laundering.
Chilean Association of Banks and Financial Institutions
Provides research studies, projects, detection of problems common to members, and analysis of regulations. Manages the National Banking Clearing Chamber.
Croatian Banking Association
Brief history and contact information.
Cyprus - Association of Cyprus Banks
Includes the Code of Banking Conduct and papers on other good-banking practices.
Danish Bankers Association
Members, rules, and the specification of Cibor, the Copenhagen Interbank Offered Rate.
Denmark - Association of Danish Mortgage Banks
News, mortgage statistics, summaries of annual reports and other publications. More information in Danish.
EBA Clearing
The inter-bank clearing house for euro payments.
Environmental Bankers Association
Non-profit association of financial services institutions aiming to develop environmental risk management policies and procedures.
Equator Principles
Explains the framework by which banks can manage environmental and social issues in project financing, and lists the banks that have undertaken to abide by these principles.
Estonian Banking Association
Breakdown of the Estonian banking market, banking legislation and links to training materials.
Euro Banking Association
Assists in the development of European-wide payment infrastructures.
European Mortgage Federation
Representing the EU and EFTA mortgage industries in Brussels.
European Union - Banking Federation of the European Union
Has national bankers' associations as members. Press releases, documents, banking statistics and links to member associations.
Finance Norway
Formed by the merger of the Norwegian Bankers' Association and the Norwegian Insurance Association.
Finnish Bankers' Association
Banking technology and legislation, and reports of the Deposit Guarantee Fund.
France - Association Française des Banques
Brief history and a small number of press releases in English, with more content in French.
France - Fédération Bancaire Française
Articles of association, with more content in French.
Germany - Association of German Banks
Bundesverband deutscher Banken, which represents the interests of the private commercial banks, was founded in Cologne in 1951, and moved from Cologne to Berlin in March 1999.
Germany - Association of German Mortgage Banks
With information about German Pfandbrief, tradable debt secured against mortgages and official-sector loans.
Germany - Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
The BVR, the central organization of the cooperative banking group.
Germany - The Association of German Public Sector Banks
Includes the annual report of the Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands, the VÖB.
Greece - Hellenic Bank Association
Data on the Greek banking system including ATM networks, and a list of members. More information in Greek.
Holocaust Victim Asset Litigation (Swiss Banks)
Process to allow Nazi victims or their heirs to claim assets deposited in Swiss banks before and during World War II.
Hong Kong - Treasury Markets Association
Promoting the competitiveness of the treasury markets in Hong Kong; formed by a merger of the previous Treasury Markets Forum of Hong Kong with the ACI-The Financial Markets Association of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Association of Banks
Includes the rules by which the HKAB HKD Interest Settlement Rates are fixed, and has available both the latest and historical rates.
Hungarian Banking Association
Code of ethics, list of members and quarterly reports. Other content in Hungarian.
Indian Banks' Association
Includes information about the Shared Payment Network System, India's ATM linkage system.
International Banking Federation
IBFed, the representative body for a group of the banking associations of Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada, addressing global banking issues.
ISDA CDS Standard Model
Open-source code for the ISDA CDS Standard Model, as originally written by J P Morgan and, from 2009, maintained by Markit Group.
Jamaica Bankers Association
Includes information on the proposal to introduce a Jamaican credit bureau.
Japan - Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Committee
Includes minutes of meetings and a list of members, with more content in Japanese.
Japanese Bankers Association
Publication Rules for JBA Japanese Yen Tibor and JBA Euroyen Tibor (the onshore and offshore Tokyo Interbank Offered Rates), as well as information about members and organization.
Jordan - Association of Banks in Jordan
Banking statistics and links to members, with more information in Arabic.
Latvia - Association of Latvian Commercial Banks
Committees of ALCB, regulations and proceedings of the ALCB Court of Arbitration, seminars, members, and statistics.
Lebanon - Association of the Lebanese Banks
Also known as the Association of Banks in Lebanon.
Liechtenstein Bankers' Association
News about money-laundering directives and the FATF blacklist, membership of the standing and adhoc committees, and other information in German.
Loan Market Association
Fosters a secondary market for loans in the Euromarkets. Activities include provision of standard documentation, secondary loan pricing data, lobbying with regard to regulatory and fiscal issues, and a regular seminar programme.
Luxembourg - Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg
ABBL contact information.
Mongolian Bankers Association
Includes a code of conduct for Mongolian Banks.
Netherlands - Foreign Bankers' Association in the Netherlands
The trade association for non-Dutch banks, their representative offices, non-Dutch owned finance companies, banks, and security houses, that operate in the Netherlands.
Netherlands Bankers' Association
Recent bulletins from the Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB).
New Zealand - Financial Services Federation
Association of building societies and other New Zealand finance companies.
New Zealand Bankers' Association
Draft code of banking practice, list of members and other links.
Operational Riskdata eXchange Association
ORX is a Swiss-based forum for the exchange of operational risk related loss information among its member banks.
Panamanian Banking Association
Brief history, various informational and economic bulletins, and a list of directors.
Philippines - Banking Institute of the Philippines
BAIPHIL Supports bank productivity by research, information exchange and education.
Philippines - Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines
Includes a history of the Philippine rural banking system, vision statement, and a list of member banks.
Polish Bank Association
Contact details, and other information in Polish.
Russia - Association of Russian Banks
Listing aims, goals, and international activities.
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Committed to enhancing trust in markets by promoting effective and efficient regulation; open, competitive and efficient global capital markets; and championing investor education, retirement preparedness and savings.
Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate
Shibor, published by the National Interbank Funding Center in Shanghai.
Singapore - Association of Banks in Singapore
ABS bye-laws and regulations; guidelines on the storage of documents on microfilm; and guidelines on prevention of money-laundering.
Slovenia - Bank Association of Slovenia
Member banks, information on the SITIBOR interest-rate fixing, and an English-language description of the association's publication.
South Africa - The Banking Council
Includes occasional newsletters, information on non-overdraft financing and statistics thereon, and the Code of Banking Practice.
South Korea - Korea Federation of Banks
Includes information on Koribor and the rules for its determination.
South Korea - Korean Securities Dealers Association
Promotes self-regulation in Korea's securities industry. Includes a summary of its main operations.
Southern Africa - SADC Banking Association
With a description of banking-based projects across the region.
Sri Lanka - Association of Professional Bankers
Includes a list of member banks and its mission statement.
Swiss Bankers Association
Bank codes of conduct, guide to taxation treaties, and about Switzerland as a financial center.
Switzerland - Swiss Private Bankers Association
Explains the difference between a "private banker" and "private bank", and has a history of the Association. Also covers the Geneva Private Bankers Association. In English, French and German.
Taiwan - Bankers Association of the Republic of China
Has a list of members and a summary of developments in the Taiwanese economy, with more in Chinese.
Tradeable Credit Fixings
The source of cash settlement values for credit derivative trades subject to ISDA settlement protocols.
Tunisia's Professional Association for Banks and Financial Institutions
Banking statistics, a list of member banks, and other publications.
Turkey - Banks Association of Turkey
List of banks and branches, many statistical reports, and important banking legislation.
Turkey - Turkish Lira Reference Interest Rate
Describes the rules for determination and fixing of Turkish Lira Reference Interest Rate (TRLIBOR).
Union of Arab Banks
Consolidates relations and foster cooperations between its members, coordinates their activities, and emphasizes their Arab character.
Other languages 4
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