The Arts: Writers Resources category is for sites with resources and information about the art, craft and/or business of writing.
This category includes, writing exercises, events, market listings, workshops, organizations, chat, publications, webrings, style guides and software. Here you will find information for fiction and non-fiction writers as well as young writers, songwriters, screenwriters and poets. Also freelancing and small/ self publishing.
Please submit any original poetry, fiction and non-fiction to Arts: Online Writing.
Editing and proofreading services should be submitted to Business:...Editing and Proofreading.
Individual writers and their services should be submitted to Business:...Writing.
Business services should be submitted to Business: Publishing and Printing: Publishing: Services.
Subcategories 37
Related categories 8
Sites 5
Online Resources for Writers
Maintained by peer tutors at the University of Maine Writing Center.
Resource Help - Writing Resources
Links and resources for writing. Improve your writing skills, library skills, writing style, grammar. Fiction and nonfiction resources.
Writer Beware
Warnings and cautions for writers about literary frauds, scams, deceptions, and pitfalls.
Writing Corner
Features articles about the art, craft and business of writing.
Writing articles and resources. Tips about how to become a better writer, get published and find writing markets. From Moira Allen.
Other languages 3
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January 14, 2017 at 22:34:04 UTC