The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences was founded in 1955. It is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television industry. It recognizes excellence in television with the coveted Emmy® Award for News, Sports, Daytime, Public Service and Technology. The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences rewards excellence in Prime Time programming and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences recognizes excellence in international programming.

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Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Official site with information on awards (national primetime), the Academy, the Foundation, Emmy magazine, events, membership, media center and archive.
AOL Television - Emmy Awards
Presents live coverage, video, and event photographs.
How Stuff Works - How the Emmy Awards Work
Explains what the Emmy award means, how the winners are chosen and where the name comes from. Includes related links.
International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Official site with information on awards (international), the show, entry forms, member information and press articles.
LA Times -The Envelope: Emmy Awards
Complete coverage including news, interviews and photos with Emmy predictions, nominations and winners.
National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Official site with information on awards (national daytime, sports, news and documentary), the Academy, Academy chapters and job bank.
Wikipedia - Emmy Award
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the awards and their three related but separate organizations: Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (national prime time entertainment excluding sports); National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (daytime, sports, news and documentary programming); International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (programming produced and originally aired outside the United States).
Last update:
May 16, 2015 at 7:23:54 UTC
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