This category is for bands and artists whose name begins with the letter P.
Subcategories 273
Related categories 10
Sites 240
MP3s from the Chicago band.
Pablo Antonio y La Firma
Tropical Latin band based in Washington, D.C.; includes pictures, lyrics, video and sound clips.
Page, Gregory
Official website for the Californian singer-songwriter includes news, sound clips, tour dates, pictures, discography, press and related links.
Pain Factor
News, biography and show dates from the metal band.
Pain Within
Philadelphia band with a wide range of influences. Includes news, show dates, history, pictures, and audio files.
Five-piece American group influenced by Slipknot. Fan site includes frequently asked questions, pictures, line-up, lyrics, discography, merchandise and polls.
Original rock/funk band from Denver, Colorado; includes biography, pictures, press, mailing list, lyrics, sound samples and show dates. [Requires Flash.]
Paisley Brain Cells
Rock band based in Reno, Nevada. CD information and audio downloads.
Pajo, David
Discography, tour dates, sound files, pictures, and merchandise for the band from Louisville, Kentucky.
Pale, The
MP3 samples, pictures, discography, message board, and news for the Irish alternative pop band.
Palmer, Carl
Official site for the drummer from Asia, Arthur Brown, Atomic Rooster, and Emerson Lake and Palmer. Includes news, interview, pictures and sound clips.
Palmer, Suzanne
Official site for the Chicago gospel/jazz vocalist includes news, biography, press, pictures and appearance dates.
Palmer, Tom
Includes pictures, CD information, and link to sound files for the singer/songwriter.
Pan Out Now
Canadian recombinant rock band. MP3s/RealAudio, lyrics, gigs, reviews, contact information and merchandise.
Official site of the progressive hard rock band from Germany. Includes band profiles, news, MP3 downloads, tour dates, reviews, and photos. [German and English]
Panics, The
A history of the 1980s Southern Indiana punk rock band; includes reviews/articles, image galleries and MP3s.
Panics, The
Biography, pictures, discography and MP3s from the Perth, Australia band.
Paola and Chiara
Italian sister duet. Biography, discography, lyrics, audio and video clips. [Italian and English]
Papa Doo Run Run
Surf and classic rock from the California band. Biography, photos, concert dates, news, song list, and audio files.
Papadimitriou, Dimosthenis
Canadian-born Greek music artist. Site offers a biography, news, reviews and contact information.
Papakonstantinou, Thanasis
A review of the Greek entechno musician's roots music project, "Vrachnos Profitis" (The Hoarse Prophet).
Paper Bag
Official site for the improvisational band includes history, reviews, and discography.
Paper Clip Trick, The
Quebec group influenced by the Dave Matthews Band. Biographies, sound clips, pictures, set lists and show dates.
Paper Dolls
Girl group from Southern California. Contains pictures, biographies, news and interviews.
Web site of the Northeast Ohio rock band includes discography, biographies, pictures and merchandise.
Official site of the Irish alternative rock act includes MP3s, biography, pictures, releases, news and tour dates.
Progressive rock/techno/metal band.
Pardesi, Silinder
UK based Bhangra singer. Profile, albums, performance information and fan club. [Requires Flash.]
Parish, Jedediah
Boston-based solo pop/rock performer and singer for The Gravel Pit. Includes lyrics, discography, picture gallery and links.
Park Avenue Music
Electronic noise-pop duo from California. News, pictures and MP3s.
Park Row
Canadian pop/rock 3-piece band. Songlist, sound clips and photos.
Park, Remo
German rock/industrial/electronica/progressive musician; includes history, lyrics, and song downloads. [German and English.]
Parker, Tony
Pennsylvania folk singer/songwriter and inventor of the titanium six-string guitar. Discography, audio samples and biography.
News, biographies and show dates from the punk/rock band.
Parry, Ian
Official site for the hard rock guitarist includes biography, discography, and tour information.
Parsignault, Jennifer
Los Angeles singer/songwriter. Biography, news, album information and song clips.
Parsons, Nick
Herts, UK based symphonic electronica artist. Includes discography, MP3 downloads and pictures.
Parsons, Kat
Biography, discography, journal, news, press and tour dates for the singer-songwriter.
Particle Zoo
Gigs, MP3s, pictures, press, mailing list and message board for the Rockaway, New Jersey-based band.
Parton, Stella
Official site for the Nashville country singer includes news, biography, discography, photographs, itinerary, sound samples, reviews and merchandise.
German improvisational group. History, profiles, pictures, and gig dates.
Passing Blue
Concord, New Hampshire rhythm and blues band. Shows, news and pictures.
Pasternak, Jeff
Hollywood-based singer-songwriter; includes album information, biography, list of bands, press and audio sample.
Pastrami Bodyslam
Hard rock/punk garage band. News, band profiles, history, photos, and MP3 downloads.
Austrian pop, jazz and funk band. Profiles, sound samples, shows and photographs.
Path, Joshua
Official site for the Los Angeles singer-songwriter includes lyrics, pictures and appearances. [Requires Flash.]
Patillo, Leon
California gospel singer and former Santana lead vocalist. Tour schedule, CDs and tapes.
Patrelakis, Nikko
Biography, discography, music samples, press and forum. [Requires Flash.]
Patrick, Lynn
Colorado acoustic guitarist performing folk, light jazz and country. Reviews, song samples, biography and performances.
Official site. Female electronic music artist from Germany. Includes news, history, sound files, lyrics, and CD information. [English and German versions]
Paul Cox Band
Biographies, pictures, set lists, reviews, stage plan and gigs for the blues, soul and jazz band.
Paul Winter Sextet, The
Biography and discography of the '60s jazz group.
Paul, Billy
News, biography and discography for the Philadelphia soul singer.
Paul, Gayla Drake
Iowa guitarist. Biography, discography, lyrics, and media reviews.
Paul, Lyn
British entertainer and former member of the New Seekers. Includes news, timeline, discography, articles, pictures and frequently asked questions.
Hard rock band's official website contains discography, pictures, biography and MP3s. [Also in Italian.]
New York alternative rock band. Biography, sound samples, articles, mailing list and album information.
Peacock, Alice
MP3s, news, schedule and reviews for the Chicago-based singer/songwriter. [Requires Flash.]
Pearce, Don Everett
New York based folk-rock/alt-country singer-songwriter. Contains biography, MP3 samples, performance listings and pictures.
Pearlfishers, The
Official site for the Glasgow pop band includes news, biography, reviews, discography, lyrics, pictures and sound files.
Peasants, The
Boston rock/punk band. Tour updates, news, pictures and audio samples.
News, lyrics, pictures and information on the rock band.
Pekar, Bill
Texas-based songwriter/singer and band playing venues throughout the state. Includes band biographies, press, schedule, lyrics, photo gallery, and booking information
Pelletier, Joel
Los Angeles composer, musician and multimedia artist. Audio, animations, biography, and tour information.
Pellinger, Jim
Minneapolis pop-rock singer/songwriter. Profile, tour schedule, reviews and information on his band The Folkups.
Canadian underground band. News, discography and lyrics.
Penfield, Holly
Reviews, photos, MP3s and message board for the London-based singer/songwriter and performance artist.
Penis Fly Trap
Boston punk band's official site includes MP3s.
Song lyrics, indexed by album and alphabetically.
Three-piece group from Sydney, Australia. Includes history, news, MP3 audio and cover art.
Pepek, Bob
Lyrics, audio samples, pictures, gig schedule and biography from the acoustic pop artist.
Peppermint Circus
English pop group 1967 - 1970. Includes discography, newspaper articles, photographs and other memorabilia from Alan Tallis, the band's bassist.
Peppermint Creeps
California-based glam rock band; news, pictures, MP3s, show dates and contact information.
Perception 100
Rock band based in Seattle; includes lyrics, downloads and biography.
Perfect Farenheit
Official site for the New York band includes profiles and pictures.
Perfect Mercy
Alternative rock band with female vocals. includes news, biography, show dates, photos, lyrics, and sound files. [Requires Flash.]
Perfect Monday
Alternative pop band from Virginia. Includes news, history, CD information, MP3 downloads, and show dates.
Perkins, Al
Biography, news, pictures, and contact information for the country-rock steel guitar and dobro player.
Permanent Wave
Contra dance band in Houston, Texas. CD and contact information.
Pernice Brothers
Contains news, discography, tour dates, member profiles, photos, audio and video files of the indie rock band.
Pernice, Joe
The Onion AV Club interviews Joe on name changes and the future of music.
Perry, Rain
Official website of the California singer/songwriter includes news, show dates, biography, pictures and links.
Perry, Rose Cora
A singer, songwriter, guitarist, model and writer from London, Ontario. Features news, profile, photos, interviews and song samples.
Perry, Roxy
New York blues singer. Sound samples, reviews, schedule and contact information.
Persephone's Dream
Pittsburgh rock band. News, chat room, discography, photographs, audio clips and merchandise.
A punky, poppy, rocky, noisy duo from Amsterdam. Lyrics, press, audio and video clips, news and discography
Person, Eric
New York saxophonist/composer/arranger. Includes biography, discography, news and performances.
Pertout, Alex
Australian percussionist and composer. News, biography, discography and bibliography, articles and pictures.
Pertout, Andrian
Australian composer, performer, producer, arranger and writer. Biography, works, news and links.
Peterik, Jim
Guitarist and songwriter. Biography, tour dates, reviews and song details.
Peterson, Alan
Biography, song information, calendar and audio samples from the Oregon singer/songwriter.
Peterson, Ricky
Minnesota keyboardist and jazz vocalist. Biography, discography, tour dates and sound samples.
Petterson, Bill
Songwriter and performer with the band Parts and Labor. Schedule, contact information, pictures, biography, discography and audio.
Pettis, Pierce
Nashville folk singer-songwriter. Biography, concert updates, photographs and audio samples.
Wedding music for Sydney, Australia. Classical flute/piano duo and dynamic jazz quartet. Biography, photos, contact details, audio samples.
Phat Daddy
Denver-based band; news, calendar, member profiles and song list.
Phatfunk Clique
News, discography and links to MP3s from the jazzy hip-hop group.
Seattle hip-hop band. News, profile and MP3s.
Phelan, Mike
News, lyrics and song descriptions for the San Francisco singer/songwriter.
Phelps, Kelly Joe
News, biography, discography, tour dates, pictures and reviews.
Phelps, Shelly
Home page for the Oklahoma singer/songwriter includes performance dates, lyrics, pictures and album information.
Phil Hilborne Band
News, member profiles, show dates, and photos of the London based rock band.
Philippe, Louis
French singer-songwriter; includes discography, MP3s, message board, e-mail newsletter and pictures.
Phillips, Grae
Singer and drag performer; image galleries, online memoir, MP3s, games and information on talk show appearances.
Phillips, Sandra
Biography, audio clips, and ordering information for the St. Louis singer-songwriter.
Phillips, Wendy
Information on and lyrics for the dance vocalist's single "Stay."
Fan site for the skate-punk band includes mailing list, pictures and lyrics.
Song lyrics, indexed by album and alphabetically. From
Pho Co.
Fan site includes MP3s and video downloads, lyrics and MIDI files.
Phobics, The
Gig dates, photos, news and links for the London punk band.
Photoglo, Jim
Singer/songwriter's official site features news, biography, sound samples and recipes.
Piccolo, Steve
Biography, concert dates, pictures and discography for the jazz instrumentalist.
Picott, Rod
Official site for the Nashville singer/songwriter includes biography, shows and news.
Pictures, The
Austin-based band. Booking information, schedule, repertoire and audio samples.
Pidgeon, Pete and Arcoda
Boston-based jazz/funk/rock band. News, schedule, setlist, MP3s, press, song list and pictures. [Requires Flash.]
Pig Farmer
Punkabilly band from northwest Missouri. Member profiles, history, schedule, discography, pictures and reviews.
Hard rock/alternative band from Arkansas. Official site includes biography, pictures, news and MP3s.
Pike, Jeff
Discography, news, mailing list, reviews, biography and photographs from the Georgia acoustic pop/rock artist.
Pike, Kevin
Musician performing jazz, blues, funk, pop and world styles. Concert schedule, news, booking and MP3s.
Pills, The
Boston-based pop band's site with discography, biography, show dates, tour diaries, photographs and press.
Pindrop Club
Acoustic collective from Bristol, England. News, biographies, events and sound clips. [Requires Flash.]
Piners, The review of "Music From the Heart".
Pink Belgian
Rock band. Background information, biographies, audio files, reviews, drum tablatures and pictures.
Bagpipe-centered rock/blues group based in western North Carolina. Includes pictures, album information and booking contact. [Flash.]
Piper Downs, The
Los Angeles-based band; features show listings, reviews, pictures, news, lyrics and tour journal.
Pires, Sandra
Official site. Includes news, press, biography, FAQs, photo gallery, audio/video downloads, tour dates, and movie appearances [English and German]
Pirojenko, Alexandre
Pianist from Russia. Profile, resume, repertoire and contact information.
Pistol Whippin' Ike
Concert dates, biography, pictures and song list from the Texas rock band.
Pitch Black
Florida rock band. Biography and pictures.
Rock band from Raleigh, North Carolina. News, show dates, biography, audio, video and press.
Indianapolis punk rock band. Includes show dates, pictures, releases, and reviews.
Plaid Hatters
Discography, biographies, show dates and pictures from the Montgomery, Alabama chick rock group.
Plaid Tongued Devils
Official site for the Canadian folk/pop band includes album news, tour dates, biography, discography, photos, artwork, merchandise and MP3s.
Solo project of Canadian artist Patrick Pleau. Includes news, biography and photographs.
Plan, The
Biographies and MP3s.
Includes biography, sound clips and tour dates for the Indiana band.
Plastic Nebraska
News, sound clips, shows, booking and reviews from the New York band.
Plastic Pill
Alternative/rock band from California. Pictures, gig dates, profile, and sound files.
Platinum Needles, The
Official site for the '80s punk band. Band history, photos, news, multimedia and links.
Plattner, Christian
Jazz artist based in Vienna, Austria. Contact information, book overview and profile.
Playground Psychotic
Rock band based in Dublin, Ireland. Includes pictures, biography of the group, news, guestbook, and MP3 audio samples.
South African rock band. Member list, lyrics, contact information and MP3s.
Christian pop/rock band from Atlanta. Profile, shows, pictures and music samples.
Jam band with roots in funk, soul, rock and roll, reggae, hip hop, and bluegrass. Contains biography, photos, and audio files.
Plums, The
Welsh band. MP3s, pictures, biographies, contact information and gigs.
Profiles, pictures, lyrics, and tablatures for the band from Connell, Washington.
Philadelphia-area band. Includes pictures, a discography and news.
Poem de Terre
Canadian folk music ensemble featuring original sung and spoken word performances in live venues and on recordings, mostly featuring the writing of poet Bob MacKenzie.
Poland, Chris
Official site for the former Megadeth guitarist features projects, news, sound clips and gig dates.
Australian electronica group. News and MP3s.
Politano, Dan
Solo artist from Victoria, British Columbia. Biography, pictures, lyrics and MP3s.
Pollock, John
Singer/songwriter. MP3s, lyrics and a profile.
Polonsky, Jonny
The Onion AV Club interviews the singer/songwriter about his search for a label.
Lyrics for three of the German heavy metal band's albums. From
Charlestown, Massachusetts based indie rock band. Contains biography, show dates, photos, audio files,
Pond Monkeys
The Kansas band's official site includes biography, news, sound clips and pictures.
Pooh Sticks, The
Unofficial site with a biography, discography, lyrics, sleeve notes and cover art.
Pooley, Ian
Official site includes discography, pictures, audio and video files. [Requires Flash.]
Poor Conrad
Grunge rock band from Indiana. Member profiles, pictures, shows and lyrics.
'60s and '70s style pop/rock band based in Las Vegas. Includes MP3 downloads, biography and contact information.
Rock band from Wisconsin. Show dates, profiles, links, and merchandise.
Poptart Monkeys
Northeast Pennsylvania rock band. Tour schedule, news, CDs for purchase, photos and audio clips, and biographies.
Florida Cajun and zydeco band. Photographs, biography, reviews, discography, links and song list.
Belgian rock trio; includes biography, audio samples and contact information.
Finnish pop/rock band. Includes history, news, lyrics, pictures, and sound files.
Punk band from Frankfurt, Germany. MP3s, pictures, gigs and news.
UK funk rock group. CD-ROM news, biography, MP3 downloads, and tour dates.
Porteous, Wyckham
Official site of Canadian singer/songwriter. Pictures, biography, tour schedule and press quotes.
Porter, Jen
Chicago-based female singer/songwriter/performer. Includes news, history, discography, tour dates, photos, and MP3 downloads.
Portnoy, Mike
Official site for the Dream Theater drummer includes news, tour dates, forum, audio and video clips, biography and frequently asked questions.
Rock/pop band from the Netherlands; features biographies, pictures, lyrics, playlist and audio samples.
Positive Youth Outreach
Straight-edge hardcore pop punk band from Missouri. News, mission statement, lyrics, pictures and biographies.
Official site includes music, band information, news, updates and pictures.
Postal Blue
Brazilian indie-pop band. News, reviews and RealAudio clips.
Poster Children
Official page for the Illinois band includes news, biography, audio and video clips, press, pictures, discography, diary and mailing list.
Poston, Francesca
Biography and pictures from the singer/actress.
Unofficial site of the alternative/comedy band. Includes overview of the group, photographs, message board, WAV audio clips, and poll.
Official site includes news, gig dates, and sound files for the rock band from Berlin.
San Francisco based indie-pop duo. Contains news, show dates, and discography.
Pouliot, Steve
Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter. Song samples and pictures.
Pounce International
MP3 song samples, interview and reviews, and music industry links from the Ohio-based ambient electronic music group.
Pousette-Dart, Jon
Official for the country/folk singer/songwriter includes CDs, downloads, performance schedules and discography.
Powering the Divine Machine
Coldwave/industrial band. News, pictures, audio, and upcoming show dates.
Powers Court
Official site for the dark aggressive power metal band includes news, sound clips, reviews, interviews, lyrics, biographies and pictures.
Prada, Amancio
Spanish composer and classical guitarist. Includes biography, discography, and concert information. [English and Spanish.]
Praetzel, Conrad
Ethno-ambient composer. Discography, images, and reviews.
Pragmatic Illusion
Musical composition and performance group in central Ohio. Sound files, pictures, and CD information.
Fan page includes band information, sound clips and links.
Band mixing rock and classical music. Contains news, history, member profiles, tour dates, audio files, and photos. [English / German]
Accomplished jazz guitarist/composer integrating South Indian classical carnatic music with classical Western, jazz, rock, and blues. News, profile, media and pictures.
Pray for Rain
Hardcore band. Includes lyrics, audio, CD and merchandise information.
News, sound clips, show dates, biography, and photos from the Hawaiian pop singer and guitarist.
Unsigned rock and metal band from Melbourne, Australia. Includes members' biographies, news, pictures, and discography.
Official site for the New York hard rock/metal band includes show dates, pictures, news, band profiles, audio/video downloads, merchandise and journal.
Prentice, Britt
Contemporary rhythm and blues vocalist, singer and actor. Includes news, biography, pictures and tour dates.
Preston, Chris
Homepage of New Jersey musician and writer.
Preville Big Band
Montreal based "pop" big band; song list, pictures, history, calendar, members and wedding planning tips.
Priggen, Spike
Official site of the New York singer/songwriter. Includes news, history, pictures, sound files, press, tour dates, lyrics, and merchandise. [Requires Flash.]
Primevals, The
Rock group based in Scotland. Includes biography, discography, news, interviews, and photographs.
Primitive Reason
Hip-hop, reggae, ska and hardcore band from Portugal. Includes news, tour details, audio, photographs, and lyrics.
Prince Myshkins, The
Musical duo of Rick Burkhardt and Andy Gricevich. Features biography, photos, lyrics, and links.
Princes of Serendip, The
Woodstock, New York group grounded in classical, folk and Celtic music. Discography, lyrics, biography, pictures and calendar.
Princess Capri
New York rock band. Sound files, reviews, pictures, profile, and tour information.
Prins, Gert-Jan
Shows, biography, projects and list of recordings for the Dutch noise artist.
Sound files, pictures, and show dates for the Seattle pop band.
Private Issue
Southwestern Ohio band whose styles include country and rock. History, schedule, equipment and song list.
Song lyrics, indexed by album and alphabetically.
Emo and punk band from West Tennessee. Audio files, biography, tour dates, news, and pictures.
The Problems
Official site of the New York-based band. Includes band biography, lyrics, show dates, CD and contact information.
Proby, P.J.
Information, videos and links.
Professor D and the Playschool
Funk and rhythm and blues band from Texas. News, video, biographies, pictures, song list and calendar.
Profugus Mortis
Black metal band from Quebec, Canada; site features news, pictures, message board and show dates.
Progressive Olive
Toronto-based instrumental jam band. Includes history, band profiles, show dates, poll, drummer's rant, favourite album list, and contact information.
Prokai Project, The
Guitar-oriented instrumental rock influenced by artists such as Joe Satriani, the Allman Brothers, Steve Vai and Rush. Biography, MP3s and equipment list.
Promise, The
Melodic rock band from Aberdeen, Scotland. Biographies, discography, sound clips, pictures, reviews and news.
Proper Word
California band. Show information and biographies.
Official page for the Christian alternative funk rapcore band includes news, biography, audio clips and pictures.
Show dates and mailing list for the post-punk band from New York.
Experimental electronic rock band. Includes news, tour dates, and picture gallery.
Progressive aggressive metal quartet from Los Angeles. Includes news, profiles, MP3s, pictures and press.
Prusik, Griz
Folk singer and author. Biography, album information and sound clips.
Horror electronic group; history, press, tour diary, discography, lyrics, pictures, member pages, show dates and MP3s.
Psycho Key
News, biography, show information, audio files and photographs from the Canadian progressive rock band.
Death metal band from Indiana. Includes biography, show dates, photographs, reviews, and interview.
Public House Ceili Band
Irish traditional dance band out of Wisconsin. Profile, calendar, and links.
Puente Jr., Tito
Official website for the King of Timbales' son includes biography, pictures and fan club.
Pullus, Penny Jo
Sounds, message board, and show dates for the Austin pop country singer.
Punching Bag
Punk rock band from Paducah, Kentucky. Includes news, show dates, pictures, and links for sound files.
Electronic music artist; biography, news, MP3s, art, press and bulletin board.
Pungent Stench
Song lyrics indexed by album and alphabetically.
Includes biography, news, discography, and sound files.
Pure Fire Project
Progressive hardcore band from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Profile, news and MP3s.
Pure Genius
Party and wedding band in Northampton, England. Information on band members with photographs, videos, mp3s and gig dates.
Pure Prairie League
Country-rock band began in 1970, whose most well-known hit is "Amie". Includes tour schedule, forum, discography, and photographs.
Purim, Flora
Details about the Brazilian latin/jazz/rock artist.
Purple Merkins, The
Information about the 1990s garage band and their album "Merkinmania."
Purpose, Darryl
Official site for the folk singer includes information, sample songs, photos, show dates, and CD ordering.
Putnam, Melinda
Singer/songwriter. Biography, MP3s, guestbook, and links.
Pyne, Michael J.
Sound files and discography for the Wisconsin keyboardist.
Official site for the German rock/metal band includes news, pictures, lyrics, tour dates, MP3 samples and wallpaper. [Also in German.]
Other languages 12
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February 8, 2017 at 3:44:16 UTC