Sites offering unproduced movie scripts.
Related categories 1
Sites 17
20,000 Days
About people trying to make it in this world, by Josh Rubak. Available in PDF format and a self-extracting zipped version. Contains graphic adult content and language.
Almost a Movie
Categorical listing of unproduced scripts from the past, present, and future
The Ancient Ones
Screenplay based upon the ancient pre-Celtic legends of Britain and Ireland: the Mabinogi, Lebor Gabala, Cathe maig Tuiredh and Book of Taliesin.
Bauerfilms, Screenplays by Wayne Bauer
Unproduced feature film scripts in the comedy, fantasy, horror and action genre.
First TV Drama
Chronicles the efforts of Richard Whettestone to produce a science fiction television series.
It's Over
A rejected script for a sequel to Fight Club.
The Land of the Mighty
Based on a Welsh legend. Synopsis, information about the writer, and links.
On Our Own
Unproduced television series surrounding four teenagers going to college in peculiar Dayboqrx City.
Full-text comedy movie script by Eric Nakao.
Rat's Bite
A short screenplay written by Larry A. Jaggard. See titles and loglines to other screenplays by the same writer.
Red Planet Screenplay by Tom Wakefield
Synopsis and sales information for Red Planet movie screenplay. Logline: The Russians murder their American counterparts on the first manned mission to Mars and claim the Red Planet in the name of the old Soviet empire.
Synopses of many unproduced movie scripts and TV series ideas which can be purchased.
Screwball Scripts
Synopses and sample pages from Ottawa screenwriter Dave Belisle's screwball comedies.
Sean R Smith, Writer
Includes screenplay and teleplay download packets, poems, quotes and artwork.
Simple Unproduced Scripts
Unproduced scripts, fan fiction and discussion boards.
Vietnam Conscript
Full length feature film script by Pamela Valemon. Detailed synopsis, logline, and title page.
The Wrong Ones
A screenplay in weblog format.
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Last update:
December 22, 2016 at 7:15:07 UTC