Scientific aspects (and many non-scientific aspects) of environmental protection, natural heritage conservation, sustainable living, environmental impact of technologies, and global environmental change. Environmental Science involves the focused application of many other fields of science and engineering, and therefore is related to Biology, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, and the Social Sciences. All resources are organized in subcategories of Science:Environment. For general environmental science topics, start with Directories, Organizations or Journals. For environmental consulting and other products and services see individual topic listing or Products and Services
This category is for scientific content about studies focusing on preserving the land, water and atmosphere systems to be habitable for humans and animals. Websites about environmental issues should be listed in Society/Issues/Environment.

This is not the right category websites about the biology or conservation of specific animals. For appropriate placement of these sites, see "Where should I submit my website about animals?".

Websites for local environmental organizations or about environmental topics in your city, town, province, county, country, state, or region should be listed in the "Science and Environment" subcategory for your geographic area, found in Regional. Local sites judged to be of broad topical interest may also be listed here.

Environmental consulting and closely related products and services should be listed in an appropriate subcategory of Products and Services.

Universities offering several Environmental Programs are listed. For specific program titles, please check the sub categories. Research institutions are shown for their education facilities only.
Please submit University Level Environmental Programs only. If your university provides one program, use the appropriate category for the title (Environmental Studies, Science or Engineering). If you offer several degrees: please submit using this text: possible degrees, the type of pages the website has to offer and any special research features.
Technically oriented websites about the environmental aspects of agriculture, including agricultural pollution and its control.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Information, organizations, research, information and services that are concerned with improving air quality.

Biodiversity is not easily defined. Try What is Biodiversity? and Defining The 'B' Word for approaches with differing emphases. Below is a definition adapted from the World Resources Institute, World Conservation Union, and United Nations Environment Programme in Global Biodiversity Strategy 1992.

"Biodiversity is the totality of genes, species, and ecosystems in a region... Biodiversity can be divided into three hierarchical categories -- genes, species, and ecosystems -- that describe quite different aspects of living systems and that scientists measure in different ways.

Genetic diversity refers to the variation of genes within species. This covers distinct populations of the same species (such as the thousands of traditional rice varieties in India) or genetic variation within a populations (high among Indian rhinos, and very low among cheetahs) ...

Species diversity refers to the variety of species within a region. Such diversity can be measured in many ways, and scientists have not settled on a single best method. The number of species in a region -- its species richness -- is one often- used measure, but a more precise measurement, taxonomic diversity, also considers the relationship of species to each other. For example, an island with two species of birds and one species of lizard has a greater taxonomic diversity than an island with three species of birds but no lizards ...

Ecosystem diversity is harder to measure than species or genetic diversity because the boundaries of communities -- associations of species -- and ecosystems are elusive. Nevertheless, as long as a consistent set of criteria is used to define communities and ecosystems, their numbers and distribution can be measured ..."

Resources related to biodiversity or conservation as an issue or a topic of debate belong primarily in the relevant subcategory of Society/Issues/Environment.

Related: (very comprehensive guide) Where should I submit my website about animals? Or, where will I find the animal topic I am looking for?

Please read the category FAQ
Monitoring and study of the distribution and cycling of carbon in the atmosphere, oceans, and ecosystems.
Contains newsletters, newsgroups, forums, message boards, and chat rooms which discuss the environment and related topics.
There are separate categories for Chats and Forums in many of the different branches of science. Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site. Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Topics include climate change (or global warming), atmospheric C02, stratospheric ozone, desertification, and change indicators.
Conferences, meetings, workshops, conventions, and similar events focused on scientific and technical aspects of the environment.
This category is for resources regarding the teaching or dissemination of information regarding environmental science. Content areas often include ecology, as well as "issues" such as recycling, composting, and waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
Internet resources that are focused on environmental employment.

Environmental aspects of energy production and utilization.

For information on renewable energy resources, see
Science: Technology: Energy: Renewable.
For information on energy efficiency and conservation, see .
Science: Technology: Energy: Conservation.

This category is for sites about the interaction of energy production and utilization with the environment.
Websites about energy technologies, including renewable energy and energy conservation/efficiency
should be suggested to an appropriate sub-category in Science: Technology: Energy.

Environmental Health - Definition. Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by interactions with physical, chemical, biological and social factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing those factors in the environment that may adversely affect the health of present and future generations. (From the Pew Environmental Health Commission)

Sites concerning the science of environmental health.

If your site is for an environmental health product or service, please review Science/Environment/Environmental_Health/Products_and_Services/ to find the appropriate subcategory.

Collection, interpretation and dissemination of data about the ambient environment, including (but not limited to) weather and climate, air quality, water quantity and quality, vegetative cover, soil characteristics, contaminated sites, and changes in these conditions over time.
Media-specific devices should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory.
This category focuses on research, accumulated data, and educational webpages about the scientific study of the forest and rainforest regions.
Submit sites that have scientific or educational information about Forests and Rainforests. Webpages about the interaction of animals and plants within the forest ecoystems should be submitted to Science/Biology/Ecology/Ecosystems/Forest. Sites concerning forest activism should be submitted to Society/Issues/Environment/Conservation_and_Endangered_Species/Ecosystems_and_Habitats/Forests/Activism. Pages about business that deal inforest products should be submitted to the Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Forestry category. Websites about planting trees in agricultural areas in order to create wildlife habitats and as wind break to protect crops and soil should be submitted to Science/Environment/Sustainability/Agroforestry.
Scientific and engineering aspects of waste management and waste site remediation.
Find the most specific category appropriate for your site. Consultants specialized in hazardous waste should submit to Hazardous Waste Consultants. Sites offering waste site remediation expertise and services should submit to Hazardous Waste Management, Remediation, and Response Services. )

Note that sites about the science and technology of waste site remediation should go to:


Please also note that there are specific categories for biological remediation products and services and for other waste management businesses.

Full-service environmental consultants should submit to the appropriate geographic category in Diversified Environmental Consultants.

Simply stated, impact assessment is identification of future consequences of a current or proposed action. Environmental impact assessment is currently required by laws in many nations of the world. Environmental impact assessment is an intensely interdisciplinary process that utilizes the biological, physical, and social sciences in analyzing the potential impacts of an action and in devising strategies for minimizing or preventing such impacts. Closely related fields that are also covered in this category include life cycle analysis of products and social impact assessment.
Businesses offering environmental assessments of real property (land and buildings) do not belong here. They should be listed in Science/Environment/Products_and_Services/Consultants/Real_Property_Assessments/.

General environmental consultants whose offerings including EIA generally should be listed in Science/Environment/Products_and_Services/Consultants/Diversified.

Consulting ecologists whose services are not limited to EIA should be listed in Science/Biology/Ecology/Consultants/.

This category contains sites that address the effects on the environment caused by various types of mining. Mining is the extraction of minerals or other materials from within the earth. Environmental effects include acid mine drainage, contamination of ground and surface waters, erosion, loss of biodiversity, sinkholes, habitat destruction, noise pollution and dust pollution.
Please submit only sites that address the effects on the environment caused by various types of mining. If there is a specific subcategory for the effect or the type of mining, such as Mountaintop Removal, please submit directly to that subcategory. Products, consultants, and other services for the environmental aspects of mining, including effluent treatment, mine reclamation and prevention of acid mine drainage should be submitted to Science/Environment/Mining/Products_and_Services. Businesses engaged in other aspects of mining should be listed in the Business category or in Science:Technology:Mining, depending on scope.
Current news and features about science and the environment.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Most organizations listed in this area are concerned with a wide range of environmental topics. Single-focus organizations are found under the appropriate topical headings.

Some listings are actually links to categories elsewhere in the directory. This category is for scientifically-oriented organizations. Environmental advocacy groups are listed in Society:Issues:Environment:Organizations.

Listed as Subcategories:

"Governmental" includes national government agencies and international intergovernmental agencies (such as United Nations organizations).

"Industry Groups" lists environmental sites maintained by private corporations or industry consortia.

"Professional Associations" are organizations of professionals engaged in various environmental fields.

"Research Institutes" are operated by universities, governments, foundations, and NGOs. They are engaged primarily in acquisition and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge about the environment or its protection.

Most websites listed in this category may also be listed once in the Regional category for the country, state, province, region, or other geographic area where they are active.
The ozone layer is a layer in the Earth's atmosphere which contains relatively high concentrations of ozone (O3). This layer absorbs 93-99% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on Earth. It is mainly located in the lower portion of the stratosphere from approximately 10 km to 50 km above Earth's surface.
Home pages of academics and others involved in environmental research.
There are separate categories for Personal Pages in many of the different branches of science.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
This category is primarily for resources related to waste reduction by reusing and recycling natural and man-made items.
This category is primarily for resources related to waste minimization by using fewer resources, reusing and recycling. Websites about control of air and water pollution or management of hazardous wastes and toxic substances, and similar pollution topics belong in other categories of Science/Environment or in Business/Environment_and_Safety. Composting is a technique for waste minimization, so some sites should be submitted to the category Home/Gardens/Composting. Control of air and water pollution are covered in other categories in EnvironmentScience/Environment.
Products and services for environmental control and environmental science. Most listings are in subcategories.
Sites should be listed in the most specific applicable category.
Journals, books, e-magazines and other publications concerned with the science and study of the environment.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Research Institutes are operated by universities, governments, foundations, and NGOs. They are engaged primarily in acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. --
Heidi Hileman ( concerned)
The World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), defined "sustainable development" as follows in the report Our Common Future (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1987): "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of "needs", in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs." Sustainability can encompass many things and can be pursued on several different levels and scales. This section of the Open Directory addresses global-scale sustainability, regional and community sustainability, and sustainable living in daily lives. ("Think globally, act locally.")
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Water "resources" are the waters that people use or might use for human consumption, industry, etc.

Topics may include hydrology, water supply, water distribution, water quality, wastewater, flooding, surface water (rivers, streams, and lakes), groundwater, drinking water, and water treatment technology.
Included in this category sources of usable groundwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, and rain water collection that can be used for either human consumption, agriculture or industrial uses.

Webpages concerned with products associated with water resources should be submitted to the Products and Services subcategory.

Sites concerned with water issues should be submitted to the Water Issues category.