A listing of Newspapers divided by country.
Please do not submit sites at this level. Directory sites should be submitted to News/Newspapers/Directories_and_Links_Collections.
A listing of newspapers in the country, divided by territory.
Please limit submissions at this level to national newspapers.
Submit National newspapers at this level only. Please limit submissions at the province level to online versions of newspapers. General online news sites belong in the Regional news and media categories.
General-interest daily and weekly newspapers published in India
Please submit daily and weekly newspapers published in India. Websites not falling under this category may be rejected.
This category has sub-categories for all US newspapers by state.
Only national newspapers will be listed at this level. National newspapers cover national and world news with reports from their own correspondents in other locations, rather than relying only on the wire services.

Submissions at the state level should be limited to online versions of newspapers. General online news sites belong in the Regional news and media categories.

In addition, college/university publications should be submitted to News/Colleges_and_Universities/Newspapers/United_States/ rather than to News/Newspapers/Regional.