This category contains links to the web sites for newspapers. These are often online versions of print daily or weekly publications containing news and opinion of current events, feature articles, photographs, and usually advertising.
This category is exclusively for newspaper directories. Sites offering links to all news media belong in News/Directories. Sites limited to newspapers in the United States belong in United States Directories.
Links to sites which are directories of newspapers.
This category is exclusively for newspaper directories. Sites offering links to all news media belong in News/Directories. Sites limited to newspapers in the United States belong in United States Directories.
This category is for English language websites of multi-national newspapers. A multinational newspaper is one which operates in more than one country.
Please submit only English-language sites dealing only with online versions of multi-national newspapers. Sites in languages other than English should be submitted to the appropriate language category in World. Non-English-language sites will not be accepted here.

Newspapers that serve a national or subnational audience may be submitted to the appropriate categories in News/Newspapers/Regional and Regional.

Websites that list links to various newspapers belong in News/Newspapers/Directories.

Personal websites with news sections will not be accepted here.

Online versions of newspapers published by and for military bases and the surrounding communities.
Please submit your newspaper website to the appropriate locality in Regional/ as well as here.
A listing of Newspapers divided by country.
Please do not submit sites at this level. Directory sites should be submitted to News/Newspapers/Directories_and_Links_Collections.
Student newspaper web sites have started springing up all over the web. Here are a few:
Please be sure to note the city, state and country where the papers are based, not just the high school name.