Campus-based publications that contain timely news content and are printed (and updated on the Web) more frequently. They may be produced by students, journalism departments or schools themselves, and their schedules vary greatly - some are published daily, while others come out just a few times each semester.
Only sites in English are listed in this section of the directory. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the closest World category.

Sites submitted here can also be submitted to the appropriate university category in Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities.

Listings of university and college newspapers in Canada.
Sites submitted here may also be submitted to the University/College in Reference/Education.
For South African university or college-based newspapers available in the English language.
Please submit sites for newspapers based at South African colleges or universities and which are created by students.
Listing of college newspapers in the UK.
Sites submitted here may also be submitted to the appropriate College/University under Reference/Education.
Listings of college newspapers arranged by state.
Sites submitted under the state level may also be submitted to the appropriate University/College in Reference/Education.