This category is for consumer information only, to enable shoppers and consumers to evaluate products and services used in the home. It is also intended to provide service contracts, warranties, recalls, and other product or service information for consumers who have already made purchases. Sites include buyers' guide, decision guides, price comparisons, recall information, tips and advice. Listings which are primarily promotional in nature, and not significantly useful in making informed shopping choices, can be found in appropriate Business, Regional or Shopping categories.
Please submit web sites that help shoppers and consumers evaluate products and services that are to be used in the home.

Submit sales sites to the appropriate Shopping, Business, or Regional category.

Submit non-English language sites to their appropriate areas in World.

This category leads to websites providing information to consumers that rate, rank, or compare furniture brands,
or that give consumers tips and advice regarding furniture construction or styles.

In order to be listed here, the website should enable individuals and families to evaluate types of furniture for their home.
Please only suggest websites if they provide independent information or resources for
individuals to share their experience.
Please do not suggest websites for commercial or retail furniture companies here.
Please consider suggesting those websites to a subcategory available from  Business: Consumer Goods . . Furniture instead.
For businesses not providing furniture across state and country borders, please restrict your suggestion to the appropriate
locality where they are based in  Regional so that the topic equivalents to
Industries, Shopping and Furniture, can be applied under Business and Economy there.
Failure to ensure you have sought the most appropriate category for a commercial website, risks it not being listed in DMOZ.
Information about selecting materials, choosing contractors, etc., for home remodeling, maintenance projects, and repairs. Also includes information about dealing with construction-related problems.

This category leads to websites providing information to consumers on moving and relocating their home,
including emigration.  It is also intended to list resources for individuals and families to share experience in
relocating their home, and provide independent information where consumer experience is readily available,
without promotion of particular businesses, such as comparison websites with readers' comments.
Websites primarily promoting businesses to help with removals and relocation should be listed in a
category available from  Business: Transportation and Logistics: Moving Services or
the appropriate Business and Economy category for their locality in  Regional.
For individuals and families considering emigration, the  Expatriates category may help.
Information for relocating a business may be found from  Corporate Relocation.

In order to be listed here, the website should enable individuals and families to evaluate the pros and cons of moving home.
This may include interstate, international relocation and emigration.
Please only suggest websites if they provide independent information or resources for
individuals to share experience in relocating their home.
Please do not suggest websites for commercial moving services here.
Please consider suggesting those websites to a subcategory of  Business . . Moving Services instead.
For businesses not crossing state and country borders, please restrict your suggestion to the appropriate
locality where they are based in  Regional so that the topic equivalents to
Relocation, Shipping, Storage, Logistics and Removal Services can be applied in Business and Economy there.
Failure to ensure you have sought the most appropriate category for a commercial website, risks it not being listed in DMOZ.