This category is for actors and actresses who may span the specters of movies, television, theatre, and other acting mediums. Sites here may consist of fan tributes, official pages, resumes, informational pages, or other miscellaneous data. There are also @links leading to actors and actresses that are classified as multi-talented and are also widely associated with other occupations in the Arts genre, besides acting.
Please submit only sites dealing with actors and actresses to this category and make sure you submit to the sub-category letter of the person''s last name. (example: John Doe would be submitted under Arts/Performing_Arts/Acting/Actors_and_Actresses/D )
Please note, submitting your site directly to this category will significantly delay it being reviewed as it needs to be sorted to the correct category.

If an actor or actress has a subcategory, please submit there. If there is no subcategory, list under the alphabet bar by the first letter of the last name. Please include surname and first name (e.g. Jones, David) and country or region.

Actors and Actresses who are considered multi-talented and are also well known in another Arts genre (i.e., singer/actress Cher), may be located in the alphabet bar under Arts: People.

This category, Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses, is for people who are specifically classified as an actor or actress.

Actors and actresses who are multi-talented and involved in more than one entertainment genre (i.e., acting, singing, and dancing) and wish to submit a resume only, should submit to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Employment: Individual Resumes.

Non-English sites should be listed in the appropriate language under World.
Sites which are primarily oriented toward selling merchandise, memorabilia, autographs, etc. should be sent to the appropriate Shopping categories.
Sites with explicit adult content, including advertisement and links, will not be accepted here and should be submitted to a subcategory within Adult.

Please read the category descriptions for further information and for assistance with proper placement of sites.
This category is specifically for databases and casting services which feature services for and about actors and actresses. General listings only; no personal resumes or data.
Please submit only sites that deal with acting databases and casting services. These sites are informational resources specifically for the acting community. Many are searchable and may include such information as auditions and casting notices, multi-resume submissions specifically for actors and actresses, casting news, job listings, talent scout and agent sites, showcase and audition material, as well as acting, consultation, and coaching services.

All content should be general and NOT specific to one individual actor or actress. If content is specific to one individual actor or actress, please submit to the alphabar under Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses by the first letter of their last name.

If content is expanded beyond the acting industry (i.e., multiple content: acting, singing, AND dancing), please do a ''search'' and locate the correct category that best meets your sites primary content. Suggestions: Multi-entertainment casting services may be submitted to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Talent: Casting. Multi-entertainment talent agents/agencies may be submitted to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Talent.

Please remember that this category is for databases and casting services that primarily appeal to actors and actresses.

Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate language under World.

Sites with explicit adult content, including advertisements or links, are not accepted here and should be submitted to a subcategory under Adult.
This category is for actor and actress directories, web rings, and other types of large organized link collections. These sites may also contain profiles or other additional elements as long as the primary focus is on the presentation of links to other multi-actor/actress sites.
Please submit only sites dealing with actor and actress directories in this category.

Directories pertaining to only one individual actor or actress, should be submitted to that person''s subcategory or list in the alphabar under the first letter of their last name in Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses.

Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate language under World.

Sites with adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit them to the appropriate subcategory within Adult.

Please read the category description for more information and to assist you in proper placement of sites.
This category is for @links to actors and actresses that have worked repeatedly in a specific movie genre or classification. A 'genre' may be defined as a particular style, form, or content.
This category is only a collection of @links to relevant actors and actresses who have a history of working in a specific movie genre or acting style. Please do NOT submit sites to this category.
Regional actors and actresses are listed by the country of their birth. Many are also listed by the country where they primarily work.
This category is only a collection of @links to relevant Regional categories about actors and actresses. Please do NOT submit sites to this category. The Regional actors and actresses presented here are from countries or locations outside of the United States.