This category lists sites which contain travel images from multiple continents with a personal nature.
Amcan Travel Photo Portfolio
Photographs and travel notes from the United Kingdom, Israel, Russia, and Australia.
Andreas Guggenberger
Personal images from Chile, Peru, Ireland, England, Italy, and Middle Europe. Text in English, Spanish and German.
Andy Bell
Photographs from New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, and the western United States.
Ashish Ashar's World Travels
Photographs from Zurich, Switzerland, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Ben's Unpretentious Adventure Travel Snapshots
Contains pictures and a few tall tales of cheap holidays in the UK, Uzbekistan, Iceland and Cuba.
Brett Voegele
Offers photographs and travelogues from his various trips around the world.
Chris Pappas
Photographs from Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, Peru, Europe, and the United States.
Deepti's World
Personal accounts and family pictures of India, Maldives, Amsterdam, Canada.
Personal site which offers images from worldwide travel destinations completed with nature, animals, scuba diving and family pictures.
Dem's Travels
Shows personal photographs made during his trips to various continents on this planet.
Denis Le Gourrierec
Travel photography with galleries by location including Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and by theme including sunsets, landscapes, panoramas and some personal stories. Thoughts on Traveling
Photographs from Belgium, Greece, India, Italy, North America, Tunisia, and Mexico.
Edwin Oei
Photographs of cities in Australia, Asia, Europe, and the United States as well as national parks in Australia and the United States.
Eric Delaet
Personal picture gallery taken during his worldwide travels.
Eric Praetzel - Vacation Pictures
Photograph collections from around the world, with a focus on outdoor panoramas and Canadian and American parks.
Erkki Vanninen
Photographs from travels to Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America.
Photography of Malaysia, Hungary, Malta and the Maldives including deep-sea diving in the Celebes Sea, by David Temperli.
Fr. Patrick S. Healy Portfolio
Photos from The Holy Land, The Bahamas and selected locations in the US.
Fred's Website
Photographs of ocean-going ships and the scenery from these ships taken by a seaman.
George and Paula's Travel Photos
Photographs from Tibet, The Galapagos, Peru, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Iceland, China, Cuba, Tobago and Uzbekistan.
Glyn's Travel Photos
Photographs from Portugal, Jamaica, Egypt and Morocco.
Photographs from countries visited and lived in by Mike McGann and Glenna Jordan.
Grzegorz Zak
A collection of travel, vacation and personal photos from Europe and North America.
Guy Grobler
Photographs from Australia, Czech Republic, Israel, and Thailand.
Images from the Cook islands, Fiji, Maldives, Seychelles and Switzerland.
I love travel
Personal image galleries from Canada, USA, Europe, Caribbean and Indonesia.
Ian Broadhurst
Image galleries with a slideshow of The Alps and images from the Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Sierra Nevadas and the Pyrenees.
J.'s World
Photographs from destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Americas, with short descriptions in English and German.
Jim and Kim
Personal photos from Spain, Portugal, Brazil and selected locations in North America.
John and Carol Curd Picture Gallery
A personal image gallery with photographs from worldwide destinations.
Josepm World Views
Personal web photo album which offers travel images from all around the world.
Personal picture galleries from South America and southern Africa.
Kulvinder Singh Matharu
Travel photographs and comments from around the world.
Marc Ewert
Personal travel images from his trips to Asia, South America and Europe.
Mark Zanzig
Offers travel images from Canada, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and other places around the world.
Martin Reed
Photographs from an overland trip across Africa and from Thailand.
Mike and Pat's Travel Photos
Commentary and photographs of Europe and the United States.
Mike's Pub
Photographs of the Rockies, China, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, India (Ladakh) and the Himalaya.
My Travel Page
Collections of photos from Spain, Mexico, and Hawaii, with captions and maps of selected locations.
Paul's Travel Pictures
Travel pictures from across the United States, South America, the Caribbean and South Korea.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Offers personal travel images from various worldwide destinations and also underwater images from some famous diving spots.
Offers personal worldwide travel pictures and several Eskimo images.
Raphael Kessler
Photographs from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and North America.
Richard Lynch
Travel images from South America, Fiji, Maldives, USA, Thailand, Australia and Europe and some family pictures.
Roman Virdi
Travel pictures and personal travelogues from South America, Caribbean, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Rooms With a View
Photographs of hotel room views in Europe and North America.
Sandy's Cyberhome
Photographs from Croatia, Estonia, Greenland, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Taiwan, and around the USA.
Travel photographs taken over four generations in the Americas, Europe and Asia.
Scott and Melissa's
Offers images from North America, Europe and Bali.
Stefan Mueller
Offers personal travel pictures from Southeast Asia, Cuba, Australia and northern Europe.
Strona Doroty Ciesielskiej
Personal image gallery with black and white and colour pictures from around the world.
Photo travel essays, scenic and fine art images of North America, Hawaii, and Provence, France.
Tim's World Travel Page
Photographs from Bolivia, China, New Zealand, Paris, Peru, and Tibet. Real video from Bolivia, China, Tibet, South Africa, Peru, France, and New Zealand.
Tomasz Hilsberg
Personal photographs from trips to South and Central America, Africa, Europe and Oceania.
Tylers' Travels
Features personal travel image galleries taken on various worldwide trips.
Ulrich on Vacation
Features photos of New Zealand, Malaysia and locations in Europe, 2002-2005.
Vacation Lovers
Photographs and descriptions of travel destinations with an emphasis on timeshare resorts and cruises. Destinations include the Bahamas, Mexico, US, New Zealand and Australia.
Shows a collection of personal travel pictures from various countries worldwide.
Virtual Travels Christian Travel
Diary, pictures, and videos from Israel, Greece, Turkey, New Orleans, Santa Fe, and Paris.
W Pictures
Offers photographs and travel notes from Cuba, Gambia, Grenada, Italy, Samoa and Svalbard.
YAPS Photography
Travel albums from Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, Norway and France.

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